Get your Bet down to The Celtic Tavern For the Kentucky Derby
There will be a lot of venues celebrating the 142nd running of the Kentucky Derby
on Saturday May 7, but if you like to get in on the betting action the only OFF Track Betting Facility in downtown Denver is in the Celtic Tavern at Blake & 18th.
Noel and Wendy Hickey, owners of the Celtic Tavern, will open 8:30 am for early betting and festivities
Wendy suggested placing your bets early if possible. “The derby gets backed up at the betting station all day , so if you know your pick it’s better to get in Friday when betting is already opened up for the Derby, or early Saturday morning. Also the Friday prior is the Kentucky oaks – which is a good day to bet on the fillies and bet early Derby bets in.”
Unlike last year with American Pharoah who swept the Triple Crown, this year’s Derby contenders are a tight group of horses with no stand-out star. At press time undefeated Nyquist was the early betting favorite and Wendy seemed in agreement. “Nyquist is pretty hot, and Exaggerator…I like Baffert’s horse Mor Spirit too.” However this could be the year to flip a coin or pick blindfolded as professional gamblers are all over the board with their top 3 or 4 picks.
One sure bet is that the Hickey’s will have all the ingredients for a great time whether you gamble or not. “Our venue is fun as it is more realistic with the sounds of live betting and music,” said Wendy, adding, “We’ll theme our menu on racing quotes like “Gee Wilkers O Hickey” “Hold your horses fish and chips” “Finish line French dip” etc., just for a bit of fun. And of course Woodford Reserve Mint Juleps are cocktail of choice, and Stella Artois is the king of beer for the day.”
With multiple races on at Churchill Downs and the big race is generally mid-afternoon, the action starts early. So put on your best Derby hat and head down to the Celtic – Don’t have a Derby hat? No bother, they’ll have some there for sale. More information at 303-308-1795 or