“Green Tie” Presenter MCPN Breaks Ground
for New Health Care Center
A nonprofit organization, MCPN has provided medical and health education services to the underserved since 1989. Their current service areas encompass Jefferson, Arapahoe, Adams and Park Counties and the City of Lakewood and Aurora. MCPN has one of the largest population base of any Community Health Center in Colorado and, the largest number of underserved individuals in the State. Within its current established healthcare system MCPN provides primary care to approximately 16,000 individuals in the City of Aurora. According to David Myers, MCPN President and CEO, those numbers will increase, “We estimate that 60,000 individuals in Aurora qualify for MCPN services. Our expansion of a new medical facility will increase our current capacity to serve more patients, bringing the estimate total to 32,000 individuals served in this community.”MCPN has developed services to provide primary health care for people who have no other access to health care. A Family Practice model of health care is supported by case management services, pharmacy services, and other coordination efforts to remove barriers to health care. Well Child Care, immunizations, obstetrics, gynecology, and chronic disease management are among the most often-requested services.MCPN provides case management and health education programs in the following areas:” AmeriCorps service learning Programs for Adults, where health education and outreach services for MCPN patients and clients are provided. ” Health Education Classes comprised of Diabetes, Asthma, Childbirth, Smoking Cessation, Family Planning and Healthy Living. ” Healthy Start Project, providing care coordination for pregnant women and families with infants up to two years of age in Aurora, Englewood, and Sheridan. ” Perinatal Services, creating effective linkages for pregnant women with the MCPN service system and providing Doula Birth Coaches.” Services for Aurora”s Homeless/Indigent Populations, serving the community at MCPN”s Elmira clinic. ” Services for Pregnant and Parenting Teens, working with pregnant and parenting youth in Aurora ages 11 ” 19 years. These services include: resource information, help returning to school or getting a GED, support, advocacy, home visits, case management and the teen clinic.MCPN has accreditation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). This means we have been recognized for complying with rigorous national performance standards that promote quality health care delivery, our top priority.MCPN is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization; this designation allows all revenue to be put towards meeting their mission. All donations are tax exempt.For more information about MCPN or The Green Tie Event please contact Vice President of Development, John Reid @ (303) 761-1977 x124 or [email protected].